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Liminal Resourcing is a creative coaching and consultancy resource seeking to cultivate beauty, goodness, and belonging in our world through creative engagement.

Dreamers, innovators, and leaders have the ability to see what others don’t see. They can imagine the possibilities and make it happen. They disrupt the status quo with new thoughts and ideas that have the power to change the world as we know it.

However, those of us who are leading on the cutting edge are only sometimes understood or our ideas appreciated. By definition, creativity involves breaking the rules and going against the grain. As a result, we often find ourselves in a lonely place as we pioneer and lead from the margins.

Through coaching, facilitating gatherings, and consultancy, I come alongside people seeking to play with new ideas, start new initiatives, and become their best selves to live and lead so they can make a difference in their relationships, organization, and community.

As a dreamer and innovator myself, I work with dreamers and innovators.

About Me

About Me - My Story

I enjoy the creative process and pioneering new forms of communities that reflect the local community’s needs from scratch. I am passionate about coming alongside and amplifying the voices of those who find themselves marginalized by society. It is on the edges that great ideas that change the world often emerge.

At an early age, I was diagnosed with hearing loss. I quickly found myself being marginalized as kids made fun of my hearing loss. In school, I found community with those who were into alternative music and the arts. It was there that I discovered my creative streak. However, I found myself in a dark place, feeling powerless and marginalized. I wanted to end my life. But that all changed when I found myself disrupted by divine love in which I felt my dignity affirmed by Jesus and realized that I have value, beauty, and significance simply because I exist.

From that experience, it has become my life’s work to come alongside others, to listen and help them to bring to life what’s on their heart and help them grow in their leadership potential. I firmly believe each of us possesses something extraordinary to contribute to the world.

My Values


Everyone has a gift to share with the world that is uniquely shaped by their life experiences, interests, and socio-economic and spiritual background. I help people uncover their true selves to discover ways to express their uniqueness. Joy is found when we find ourselves free to playfully express who we are and what we’re about.



Creatives are people who see new possibilities, think outside the box, and can see them happen. I foster an environment of innovation where we give ourselves permission to play with ideas and see what happens. In doing so, a person’s capacity to be creative grows as they are given space and are able to practice thinking outside of the box.



Taking risks leads to new opportunities for creativity and growth. By experimenting with new ideas, we allow ourselves to step into the unknown, fail, and learn from our experiences. I help develop the confidence necessary to step outside the box, take risks, and grow.



An abundance of wisdom, resources, and mutual support is waiting to be discovered and shared when we collaborate. When we collaborate, every person is a valued member of the community. I help people overcome a scarcity mindset and foster an attitude of abundance to tap into the widely available resources.



I cultivate an imagination that draws out the beauty and enhances the quality of life in our relationships, organization, and community. I empower people with the tools to develop their ideas and grow in their personal relationships and leadership and organizational capacity so they can make a positive difference.


My Experience

As an American, I lived and worked in the U.K. for over 20 years, where I initiated and started a youth chaplaincy and helped start and pastored three innovative faith-based communities and a music festival that attracted folks from across Europe. I have also spoken at faith-based communities and organizations across Europe in places such as the Czech Republic, Norway, Sweden, Poland, France, and the U.K. I’ve also had the privilege of facilitating workshops cross-culturally in Egypt and the USA.

In recent years, I journeyed with the activist community of East London in a chaplaincy role, exploring God at work in their communities.

For many years, I have been involved as a coach, mentor, and facilitator with a grassroots network of Jesus-followers in the UK who seek to embody the Good News in innovative and creative ways. As part of this organization, I helped facilitate retreats, led workshops and offered one-on-one consultancy.

These days, I am spending my time working with young people in a newly formed faith-based community in Portland, Oregon, as well as supporting folks who wish to engage with their communities creatively. I am a credentialed coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

I have a B.A. (Hons) degree in Theology from the London School of Theology and have worked and collaborated with a variety of faith streams across the world, such as Methodists, Episcopalians, Anabaptists, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Lutherans, Free Church, the Baptists and more.