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The third book in The Mission and Marginal Series looks at the lessons we can learn from the testimonies of people living and working on the margins of society. If you look hard enough you will find groups of Christians deeply embedded in the life of every city – serving faithfully, innovating in extraordinarily creative ways and living sacrificially. This book is the third in a six-volume series specifically exploring the theologies and practices that are arising as groups seek to follow Jesus in these challenging situations.

At the heart of these series of books are the core convictions that such involvement must prioritise the marginalised and socially excluded; that theology must be livable and practical; and that mission studies benefit from engagement with insights from contemporary social science.

Alongside other U.K.-based missional practitioners, I contributed a chapter reflecting on memorable moments and challenges I faced in incarnational mission with those in the margins.

Published Year: 2019
Publisher: Paternoster
ISBN: 978-1780781853

What Readers Have Said…

A diverse and provocative collection of narratives, full of insight and reflective wisdom, skillfully introduced, curated and woven together to produce an excellent addition to this ground-breaking series.

Stuart Murray WilliamsUrban Expression

The third book in this excellent series cracks open and challenges our understandings of mission, marginality and how we do theology. The book offers a fascinating range of stories which open up different angles on mission and ask some tough questions of theology. Through the power of story and the encounters described, we find our own perspectives exposed and challenged. The stories and reflection begin to expose our own echo chambers as we are gradually led into appreciating the importance of difference, not only for our own lives but also for the sake of learning to live together in the world.

Cathy RossMA Coordinator, Pioneer Leadership Training, CMS

With light-touch sociological and theological acumen, and passionate commitment to meet the crucified and risen Christ in the places he is most explicitly to be found, Paul Cloke and Mike Pears have gathered a rewarding collection of elegantly simple narratives that move the heart and speak to the soul as they constitute a compelling argument for incarnational mission.

Samuel WellsVicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields, London U.K.