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Fine-tune your organization’s mission and vision.

A clear sense of purpose can point us in the right direction and help us navigate how we are going to get there. However, what worked yesterday does not necessarily work today. The roadmap we might have used in the past may not be effective in today’s rapidly changing world.


However, not all is lost. Such moments provide an opportunity to (re)discover your organization’s mission and (re)create a vision for achieving it in today’s cultural climate. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in pioneering new initiatives and navigating change, I come alongside churches, nonprofits, and social enterprises to help them discern and articulate their mission. In doing so, I help organizations in adapting and creating a practical vision so they can fulfill their purpose.


As a consultant, I can help your organization discover its mission and create strategies that align with your mission, vision, and values in light of today’s rapidly changing world so you can make a deeper impact in your community.

What’s Included

Two 3-Hour Gatherings

I will meet with your organization to facilitate discussion as well as creative brainstorming exercises to help spark imagination in order to discern your organization’s mission.


You will receive an assessment of  your organization’s health, opportunities for growth.. The assessment will help identify common organizational themes and uncover existing resources in your organization.

A Custom Strategic Plan

Having listened with your team, I will provide a detailed step-by-step plan for your organization that you can use over the course of 12 months to help you start living into your newfound mission.

Unlock your leadership potential with coaching.

Coaching Add-On Option

If desired, there is also opportunity to add a coaching package to support you in the implementation of the step-by-step plan.

More info on the coaching process can be found here.

Take The Next Step

Ready to take the next step? Schedule a free discovery call so we can discuss your needs as well as next steps to start the consultancy process.