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Group Coaching cohorts offers the opportunity for you to explore your goals, aspirations, and challenges you might be facing in a group setting on particular themes.

By being in a cohort with folks in a similar situation through a series of intentional conversations, you will find your thinking expanded by different perspectives from cohort members, empowering you to reach your potential and live your best life.

What A Typical Group Looks Like

  • Each group will consist of 4-8  folks will meet monthly via Zoom for group coaching on their chosen theme.
  • At the beginning of every session, each person share about the progress they are making on their individual goals.
  • Each person will then be invited to share the outcome that they want from the facilitated conversation.
  • Everyone in the group will get the opportunity to explore their goals from multiple perspectives in order to create new awareness and gain insights.
  • At the end of every session, each person will be invited to create action steps that they will take to move them forward with their personal or professional goals.

Current Group Coaching Offerings

If you don’t see what you are looking for, feel free to suggest a theme you would like to explore in a group setting!

Thrive Group Coaching cohorts - Support Network

Support Network

Whether you are a leader or pioneering something new, it can be a lonely experience. Some signs of loneliness include overwhelming feelings of isolation, negative feelings of doubt and self-worth, loss of sleep, and more.

This coaching group will help you explore ways to mitigate the effects of loneliness and develop strategies to build your support network. Through this cohort, you will feel seen and heard as you create practical steps for building community with others.

Dates of next cohort TBA.

Navigating Transitions

Feeling lost, confused, and overwhelmed by so many changes. These are common emotions expressed by people who find themselves in transition.

This coaching group aims to provide you with the skills and resources to navigate transitions successfully. With a group of supportive peers, you will explore the challenges of dealing with change and create achievable goals for your emotional and physical well-being.

Dates of next cohort TBA.
Collaborate with Others in a Curated Gathering such as group coaching, workshops and retreats.
Work/Life Balance group coaching cohort.

Work/Life Balance

The demands of leadership can be time-consuming, taking a toll on our relationships and physical and mental health. Some symptoms of an unbalanced work/life include burnout, strained relationships, lack of self-care, and working long hours at the expense of your well-being.

This cohort will help you to take time to examine your work/life balance and develop practical ways to promote and live a healthier life.

Dates of next cohort TBA.

Getting Unstuck

At some point, we might find ourselves in a creative slump or feel stifled in our leadership. During such times, we frequently experience emotions of hopelessness, despair, sadness, restlessness, frustration, and so on.

During the coaching group cohort, you will uncover what is making you feel stuck and create practical steps to become unstuck and strategies to stay in the creative flow.

Dates of next cohort TBA.
Thrive Group Coaching cohort- Getting Unstuck.

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