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Discover a hopeful future for your church.

It can feel challenging maintaining a faithful presence in an increasingly post-Christian culture where the church is no longer at the center of the community. With dwindling attendance, finances and resources, many churches are in significant decline with leaders struggling to make sense of this new reality we find ourselves in.


Such decline doesn’t necessarily equate to failure, but rather an opportunity for transformation and growth. As a certified Full Circle Guide, my role is to come alongside churches to help them listen to what the Spirit is saying and discern their faithful path forward. In doing so I help churches to adapt and experiment with new ideas on what it means to be a faithful presence in this day and age.

The Full Circle Church Assessment is designed to transform declining and plateaued churches into churches that are actively moving out of decline. In six months, you will understand your church’s strengths and weaknesses, discern the Holy Spirit with your team, and get a custom 12 month step-by-step plan for moving out of decline.

For more info about the Cyclical Full Circle assessment process, go here.

What’s Included

Church Health Report

In order to define reality for your church, your leadership needs clarity and language to talk about the health of your church. We facilitate a leadership-wide 7-point compiled report of your church health and help you process the results in community.

Two 3-Hour Gatherings

I will meet with your team twice over the course of 2 months. We will spark missional imagination, explore core narratives, and discern together in order to help your team listen to God’s call and develop a clear pathway forward.

A Custom Strategic Plan

Having listened with your team, I will write a report of each of your gatherings as well as a detailed step-by-step plan for your church that you can use over the course of about 12 months to guide you away from decline.

Coaching Add-On Option

If desired, there is also opportunity to add a coaching package to support you in the implementation of the step-by-step plan.

More info on the coaching process can be found here.

Unlock your leadership potential with coaching.

Take The Next Step

Ready to take the next step?

1. Take time to read more about the Cyclical Full Circle assessment process.

2. When you’re ready, schedule a free discovery call so we can discuss your needs as well as next steps to get started.