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S1 E4

Jhon Henry Camargo

Accompanying Campesinas in Colombia

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Jhon Henry Camargo from Barrancabermeja, Colombia joins us in today’s conversation as he shares about his experiences as part of Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), accompanying campesinas who are experiencing the effects of corruption in Colombia.

CPT places teams at the invitation of local peacemaking communities that are confronting situations of lethal conflict. These teams support and amplify the voices of local peacemakers who risk injury and death by waging nonviolent direct action to confront systems of violence and oppression.

The work of CPT includes:

  • Accompanying partners as they work nonviolently to defend their rights and communities.
  • Advocacy: amplifying the stories and voices of those experiencing violent oppression.
  • Human rights observation and reporting.
  • Solidarity networking: partnering with individuals and organizations to work toward change.

For more info on the work of CPT and current locations of CPT teams worldwide, please visit For more info on CPT in Colombia including info on joining a delegation to learn and observe the work of CPT in Colombia, please visit

Today’s conversation has been translated by Pierre Shantz, also a member of Christian Peacemaker Teams in Colombia.

Special thanks to Criseida Blancas for her production assistance with today’s conversation.

Intro/Outro music by skinfiltr8r.

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