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S3 E10

Andrea Campanale

Coming Alongside Spiritual Seekers & Steampunks at Green Fairs

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In today’s conversation Rob and Ken are joined by Andrea Campanale from Kingston upon Thames, in Southwest London, England.

In 2005 a friend approached Andrea with an unexpected spiritual experience. Andrea found it difficult to find the words to help her friend, and connect the experience with her own faith. Becoming more aware of spiritual seekers in her community, Andrea began to attend her local green fair to come alongside spiritual seekers.

From this experience, Andrea created Sacred Space Kingston which grew out of the realization that many people are seeking greater meaning to their lives but don’t necessarily expect to find that in the church or through organized religion. Andrea and her friends have found the divine is best encountered through friendship in community, by appreciating the natural world and when they are able to express their uniqueness in creativity.

Towards the end of the conversation, Andrea mentions the book The Go-Between God by John V Taylor that is worth reading.

About Andrea:

Andrea is the first Licensed Lay Pioneer in Southwark Diocese and is the founder and leader of Fresh Expression of Church, Sacred Space Kingston. She was a Mission Partner with Church Mission Society for 12 years and, in that capacity, completed both a Foundation Degree, with Oxford Brookes University, and an MA, accredited by Durham University, in Theology, Ministry and Mission. Most recently she has set up a social enterprise, Spiritual Practices Pilgrimages, to provide led pilgrimages for spiritual seekers to sacred sites in the British Isles and is also a member of the Transforming Shame Network and, the online, In:SpiritSpace team.

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Intro/Outro music by skinfiltr8r.