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S3 E2

Peter & Liz Digitale Anderson

Re-imagining Justice and Safety in Light of George Floyd’s Murder, Part I

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In today’s conversation, Rob and Ken are joined by Peter and Liz Digitale Anderson who happen to live a few blocks away from where George Floyd was murdered by a white male police officer in Minneapolis Minnesota.

Within days the protests spread all over the world as Floyd’s murder inspired a global reckoning with racism.

As community peacebuilders, Liz and Peter decided to journey with their neighbors towards healing and justice in light of Floyd’s murder. Join us in part one of our conversation with Peter and Liz as they share their remarkable story of re-imagining justice and safety in their neighborhood.

About Liz & Peter:

Liz and Peter Digitale Anderson live with their family in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where they are activists and community peacebuilders with Peace Catalyst International. Peter teaches skills for interpersonal conflict, social change, and nonviolence, while organizing ways for folks to get involved in movements for racial healing and justice. Liz is focused on using community singing as a way to build community and inspire people to embody joy, hope, and resistance.

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Intro/Outro music by skinfiltr8r.