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S04 E06

Eagle Spits

Punk Rock Solidarity with Street Children

S4 E6 Eagle Spits - Punk Rock Solidarity with Street Children

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In today’s conversation, I’m joined by my friend Eagle Spits from Nottingham, England. As a teenager, Eagle discovered his passion for punk rock. In 2009, he had a profound experience with Jesus. Inspired by the writings and stories of Dorothy Day of providing radical Christian hospitality towards the poor, Eagle began organizing punk shows in 2010 under the banner of Punk 4 The Homeless to support street children.

Today, several Punk 4 The Homeless gigs are regularly held across the UK punk scene, benefiting an orphanage a family started in Sierra Leone in response to the Ebola epidemic of 2014. You might recall we spoke with that family back in Season 3, Episode 8 of this podcast.

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Intro/Outro music by skinfiltr8r.

Eagle’s Bio:

60+ year old and still punk. Eagle Spits discovered punk through The Stranglers as a 14 year old. At the time he didn’t realize punk was a life sentence. Ex Community Psychiatric Nurse, poet, front person in anarchopunk band Activistas and founder of Punk 4 The Homeless. Hijacked by “The Agitator from Nazareth” in 2009. Inspired to establish Punk 4 The Homeless in 2010. Influenced by Dorothy Day, James H Cone, Richard Rhor , Julian of Norwich, and of Course Jesus Christ. Although no biological children of his own he has 74 orphan girls in Sierra Leone call him Dad. Eagle Spits is quick to remind folks how “Love is the fulfilment of the law”.

About Punk 4 The Homeless:

Punk 4 The Homeless is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2010, dedicated to raising awareness and funds for those in greatest need. They organize DIY gigs, online live-streaming events, and interviews to support street children worldwide. Additionally, they sell merchandise and release records, with all proceeds going to aid those in need.

You can donate to the Punk 4 The Homeless here.

Street Children:

The United Nations estimates that over 150 million children worldwide live on the streets. The circumstances for street children are complex, with various factors contributing to their situation. Some children are homeless with their families, while many others maintain contact with their families, who are often extremely poor. These children work on the streets to help support their families. Others have run away from home or institutions to escape psychological, physical, or sexual abuse, leaving them with no home other than the streets. They may move from place to place, living in shelters and abandoned buildings. Some children are displaced due to poverty, natural disasters, or conflicts, while others are refugees. Additionally, there are children with disabilities who have been abandoned by their families, those separated from their families for extended periods, and children affected by or orphaned due to HIV/AIDS, Ebola, etc.